Ascensión Marcos

Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición. CSIC. Madrid. España.

Professor of investigation for the Scientific Investigations Superior Council de (CSIC).
Vicepresident of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS)
President of the International Forum of Immunonutrition for Education and Research (i-FINER).
Professor invited ad-honorem of the University of Buenos Aires (Department of Nutrition of the Dept. of Health, Nutrition, Food Science and Toxicology of the Faculty of Pharmacy and biochemistry). 2003-
In the Spanish Nutrition Society has gone through various positions within the Board
Directive: Secretary (1997-1999), Member (1999-2001), Vice President (2001-2003),
President (2003-2007), Vice President (2007-2010), Treasurer (2010-2015).

It is also academic correspondent of the Reial Academy of pharmacy in Catalonia from November 2011.
Krueger in pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid carried out his thesis in the Center Joint Institute of nutrition and food science (UCM-CSIC) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, of which he was Director in the period 1998-2002.
Director of Group of Immunonutrition of the Dept. of metabolism and nutrition of the Institute of science and food technology and nutrition of the CSIC.

In connection with its activity scientific, dedicated to the study and application of the Immunonutrition, a line of research on the lifestyle of the adolescents, has coordinated projects several multicentre and multidisciplinary in relationship with nutrition, eating disorders, and obesity with the object of studying interactions and associations between parameters related to the diet, the feeding behavior, activity status, physics, Anthropometry, situation psychological and cognitive, as well as haematological, biochemical, biomarkers immunological and genetic. Another line of research focuses on the study of the of nutrients, bioactive, food compounds immunomodulatory properties functional and nutraceutical.
He has made 40 (IP 25) research projects and 46 contracts with industry (IP 43), has participated in 430 publications: 185 articles SCI, 29 reviews SCI.

Edition of 13 supplements in international journals (SCI): American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997), European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (August 2002; December 2002), Nutrition (2003), hospital nutrition (2003) International Journal of Obesity (2004), British Journal of Nutrition (2007), Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012), Proceedings of the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (FENS-2013), hospital nutrition (2013), of which 7 supplements were dedicated to Immunonutrition, 3-nutrition, obesity 1 and 2 to probiotics, in addition to 82 articles and 7 reviews in magazines not SCI. Books: 99 chapters, 8 books and 8 editions.
She has been working in collaboration with other research groups both for years national and international.

The awards more important received in his scientific career are indicated to below:
1997-contribution to the study of nutrition and Immunology awarded by the Nutritional Immunology International Group.
2009 h- "The NAOS strategy for the best research project award Applied 2009: Estudio EVASYON (coordination A. Marcos). Agency Spanish food safety and nutrition. Ministry of health and Consumption.
2011.-recognition of the city of Madrid to the work performed as President of the Congress of the European Federation of societies of Nutrition.